SEO Writing Tips

SEO Writing Tips

SEO can be a daunting task. Google algorithm changes from time to time. Yet, SEO is the main element in successful digital marketing. According to a digital marketing speaker Hong Kong, adhering to SEO best practices can sustain the traffic on a business website. It optimizes the chance of being seen online. Thus, it gives more opportunities to convert visitors into customers.

Even a social media agency Hong Kong notes that social media alone is not enough to market a brand or business. Social media only accounts for 5% of online traffic. A video marketing agency Hong Kong highlights that SEO accounts for 98% of website traffic. Of all search engines, Google accounts for 79% of online searches.

If you are a brand or business that wants to improve SEO or optimize your website for Google, here are some SEO writing tips.  


The title of the content is the first element that online searchers will see on search results. They can heavily influence whether the searcher will click or keep scrolling on your website. A catchy title asks a question, boosts searchers’ curiosity, or uses data that correspond to search intent. It should include emotional, common, powerful, and uncommon words. In other words, it should motivate users to check the website and triggers emotions. Technically, an SEO-optimized title should contain target keywords and must be 15 to 40 characters long.

Meta Description

A meta description is a brief summary of a web page. It helps draw searchers to the website, making it visible for search marketing. The meta description should intelligently use target keywords in a natural, non-spammy way. It should be at least between 140 to 160 characters. It is not necessarily a sentence. Rather, it can be a call-to-action (CTA), manufacturer details, product description, etc.


URL stands for “Uniform Resource Locator.” It is the unique link or web address of a web page. As the building block of a website, a clean URL appears more trustworthy, is easier to share, and performs better among searches. One of the best SEO writing tips is to write a URL in lowercase letters with hyphens splitting the words. Such a format is easier to read by search engine crawlers.

H1 Heading

An H1 is an HTML heading tag that includes the main topic on a web page. It draws attention to the visitors of a web page because it appears as a bold and largest font size on top of the page. Search engines give H1 tags a higher rank as they describe the body text. An SEO-optimized H1 tag may include numbers, how, what, why, etc.

H2 Subheading

H2 are subheadings that guide viewers with the sections of a web page. They break up the web page content, making them easy to read or scannable. Structured H2 and H3 tags either answer a question or correspond to the idea of one paragraph. They make the web page content easier to digest among users and search engine bots.


Bullet points are used to list items in content. They offer two main benefits in SEO. First, bullet points break up the page to stand up from the rest of the content. They are easier to read than chunky texts. Second, filling a web page with bullet points can be prominently linked to relevant internal pages.


Images can make a content or web page more appealing and interesting to searchers. They can help readers understand the content better. To optimize images for SEO, give them a descriptive alt tag and readable name. Images should also be compressed properly for faster loading time.


One of the most common SEO writing tips focuses on the body of a content or web page. The body is the content itself. They should be long enough to explain the topic well while targeting 5 to 10 relevant keywords.  


A quote is the exact copy of someone else’s words. Quotes are important for business mentions and link building. To make quotes SEO-optimized, highlight key ideas in bold fonts.
